

photo by @respres
there's been a lot of talk about God. alot of speculation and almost as much surefire preachin'. i don't want to add to that tonight. speculation is fine, and maybe even indoctrination, but...

we are; you and i are in the middle of this. let us not waste our opportunities.

"he who has ears let him hear! the kingdom of heaven is among you! I AM the Bread Who came down from heaven... he who drinks of the water that I give will not grow thirsty again."

and so i came to Him, sippin' on that living water, and i lay back in His lap. ("let the little children come to Me... for their's is the kingdom of heaven.") and i rested a while. ("come to ME all who are weary and I will give you rest.")

grace is sufficiency. that's the truth i'm coming in every situation to know. but since i can't doctrinize my experience (ha! and maybe you really shouldn't want me to), i feel both compelled and liberated to leave this as an encouragement. go seek God. it has been worth it for me so far.

as ever,


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